Speaking and Workshops

Extensive Speaking History - Including TEDx
Audiences ranging from tens to thousands
All engagements come with complementary resources

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Speaking Offerings

  • Insights Hub Creation

    Built on a talk given at ConveyUX, this presentation focuses on the value created by organizing and centralizing insights while empowering all members to become insight-creators.

  • AI Tools Integration

    Expanding on a TEDx Woodinville talk, this presentation focuses adopting a growth mindset with new technology and how that assist in incorporating generative AI tools into one’s workflow.

  • Impact Mindset Adoption

    Start the discussion around defining the behaviors and outcomes that features create while encouraging the team to adopt a culture of evidence-backed decision-making.

  • Custom

    Connor writes on a variety of subjects surrounding product development, feature success measurement, and generative AI. Reach out to discuss turning any content into a presentation.

Expand into a workshop to guarantee that your team maintains its forward drive. Connor specializes in guiding workshops ranging from day-long, in-depth sessions to extensive, rapid-engagement meetings designed to deliver instant value.

Workshop Offerings

  • Metric Development

    Begin the process of creating metrics on all five of the feature success levels: Usage, Usability, Behavioral, User Outcome, and Business Outcome.

  • GenAI-Feature Design

    Identify opportunities for the incorporation of generative AI into your features. Your team will be equipped with a list of feature ideas and a prompt to begin testing.

  • Pre-Mortemes

    Experience your team’s predictive power by envisioning what might go wrong. Leave with a list of potential roadblocks, contingency plans, and KPIs to monitor.

  • Custom

    Almost all presentations can be expanded into workshops. Let’s discuss it!

Ready to start the discussion?

Get in touch.